COOKING INSTRUCTIONS Step 3 Pour the mixture of milk and starter icon


All HealthCultivated starter cultures can be recultured.

The idea of this method is that instead of using a new starter culture, you can use the milk product you have fermented earlier.

Keep some plain product (! without sugar, fruits and any other additives !) to inoculate your next batch at the rate of 50 ml of yogurt per 1 liter of milk. You can inoculate a new batch using plain yogurt within 5-7 days after the first batch was made.


Here are some crucial points to follow for successful reculturing:

  • It’s of utmost importance to prevent any foreign bacteria from entering the product before reculturing.
  • If you’re using a yogurt maker, you can reserve one jar of plain product.
  • If you’re preparing the yogurt in any other appliance, immediately set aside a portion of the product in a separate container that has been sterilized with boiling water.


We do not recommend reculturing yogurt more than once, as the amount of beneficial probiotics will be significantly reduced. While repeated fermentation will yield natural yogurt, it won't contain the abundant assortment of live probiotic cultures that are beneficial for your gut health.